MovieChat Forums > Hunted (2017) Discussion > Mantracker, but worse

Mantracker, but worse

I always wondered about the show Mantracker where two buffoons are let loose into the wilderness and are tracked by a "real Mountain Man type guy". The wonder is how do you hide with a full sound and camera crew tagging along. I see this show has taken the Mantracker show and upped the ante but not the foolishness.


Simple answer is "you Don't" what happened then on Mantracker, and is happening on The Hunted is a good portion of the footage is re-enacted. This is to let the game play out, without Camera People giving things away, but still able to get action shots. The Diary Cam, and the shots of the hunter teams are probably in situ, but the rest isn't and can't be for that simple reason.


Ya i see there is a disclaimer that some footage is reenacted? Should know that there isn't such a thing as reality TV!


Too many take the word "Reality" way too literally when it comes to TV programming


The premise of the show is awesome, but yes, having a camera crew (even if it's just one guy) following you around everywhere you go would be frustrating as heck, of course then there'd be no show, as we the viewer need to actually SEE the action for it to be a TV show.

And yeah, they do state there are reenactments when necessary in the end credits, so it's not as if they are hiding it or anything. Still entertaining.


The only "Current" Reality show that has camera people running around with a team is Amazing Race, and even then, stuff gets missed and needs to be re-enacted. Hell, even Survivor re-enacts stuff. It can be seen sometimes during there Reward/Immunity challenges when someone's clothes change slightly in the middle of a challenge, and there's no time or place for a clothes change.


I hate the hunters


I hate the hunters

Well yeah... they have no personality, are extremely arrogant, somehow have access to Edward Snowden's meta-database searches--including cameras at gas stations and convenience stores, on a whim, and are able to search peoples homes without a warrant.

It doesn't work like this in real life, unless you have Edward Snowden's CIA/FBI meta-search database that apparently goes right through network firewalls.


"The wonder is how do you hide with a full sound and camera crew tagging along"

On Mantracker, they had false camera teams, so if Mantracker tried tracking the crew, it would more likely blow up in his face.

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417
