MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) Discussion > Congrats MCU!!! Biggest Spider-Man ever ...

Congrats MCU!!! Biggest Spider-Man ever at $970M MCU continues to crush it's other comic book 'competitors'!

Another easy 1 billion grossing film for the MCU incoming. So much for 'fans' being done with the MCU after Endgame.

Domestic: $319,659,412 32.9%
+ Foreign: $651,100,000 67.1%
= Worldwide: $970,759,412

Audiences just can't seem to get enough of the dominating MCU. There is literally no end in sight for the cash-cow that is the MCU, with reviews and audience reception matching it's high bar. Truly the envy and crown jewel of the current Cinema landscape.


STFU...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚....I don't give a shit and I didn't see it and won't be seeing it. So I stayed true to my word. These movies have becoming BOOOOOOORING.....


I don't give a shit and I didn't see it and won't be seeing it.


Oh Man, BURN!

how is Disney ever going to recover from Your DEVASTATING actions of "Not seeing The movie"...

I bet Disney Execs havent slept the last 2 nights in absolute panic knowing Galatus03 didnt see FFH...

Talk about SHOWING THEM.....You should feel like a total badass costing Disney/SM $10.....

Biggest badass award goes to Galatus03 .....He didnt see FFH and Isnt afraid to tell everyone about it!


You stupid Asshat ....when did I ever say i cared what a Disney exec thinks????πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You stupid Asshat ....when did I ever say i cared what a Disney exec thinks????πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Oh Man Even bigger BURN!

You dont care what Disney execs think?????? what A BADASS you are!

and Even More Badass, YOU are going around message boards saying it!!!

damn I wish I was that tough......

I bet If Disney Execs read this, They'd Nominate you for BADASS of the year, and be so concerned by your words they'd call a meeting to try to figure out "How the hell can we make our movies so galactus03 doesnt think they are BORING"

I mean again they've got to do something, your Baddass-ness Is just got to be driving them crazy, I just dont how they are going to sleep knowing you think their movies are boring and worse "YOU DONT CARE WHAT THEY THINK" have probably single handedly caused Disney to rethink their entire slate of upcoming movies and more specifically gotten many writers and directors fired because Disney is so deeply concerned by YOU THINKING their movies are boring

I bet Disney Is Looking into your history right now trying to figure out what YOU LIKE, so they can hire new writers and directors for future movies based on YOUR COMPLETE BADASS-NESS

and so you'll never DEVASTATE them again by getting on a message board and showcasing how much of a badass you are by calling thier movies boring and do the UNTHINKABLE of NOT SEEING THEIR MOVIE(again talk about a BURN, Disney truly may never recover from your Badassness of NOT seeing thier movie and Then Bragging about it)



You typed all that shit and it's basically the same thing you said dumbass...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...

Anyhow I was responding to the other Asshat and his call out on people who said they were done with MCU after ENDGAME and apparently your Asshat in crime thinks those who said that didn't keep to their word. I did. Didn't see it and don't plan on it. Maybe when I can rent it cheap or find it in the 5 dollar bin one day. Why would I pay $10 to see it like you Asshats???? Doesn't make sense.


Sounds like this Asshat Galactus03 cant afford 10 dollars for a movie ticket and is upset. Well I guess there is no consoling pure poor trash like Galactus03


I did. Didn't see it and don't plan on it.


Bad-ass Alert...

Galactus03 just keeps upping The BAD-ASS-NESS

your so tough for not seeing Endgame and TELLING us about it....

lol I can just see you now, sitting at a dinner with friends a few years from now....somehow the convo gets onto "Ya I remember seeing Endgamein Theaters, It was great"...other chime in and agree....

But then YOU and Your Badass-ness take over and you say "shit, I didnt pay to see that, hell I didnt even rent it, I waited tell that shit was in the $5 bin and then a switched stickers so I paid for Ghostbuster 2 instead of Endgame"

all your friends then look at you with Cringe and quickly find a reason why "something came up" to get away from you....

you dont care though...after all Your just to Badass for them.....Your the guy who "didnt see Endgame in Theaters and bragged about it on a message board"



Maybe when I can rent it cheap or find it in the 5 dollar bin one day.

I know you said this to try to add to your toughness...

But if were being honest....

I would just suggest you go FULL badass and just never see EG

because While I'm sure EG will be good on BR and DVD.....Your not getting the same Level of Awesomeness...

I saw EG on Opening night in IMAX and can honestly say it was probably the greatest movie experience of my life....first The IMAX screens and sound system completely takes the movie and experience to new heights...

and 2nd, while again I know you were trying to sound tough by saying you didnt see it in theaters, but really its just kinda SAD that you excluded yourself from such an experience

The atmosphere,environment and Audience that came with this movie on Opening Weekend was something that really has never been seen before, being in the theater with this type of Audience, It was Literally like a rock concert...

You can go to youtube and type in "Endgame Audience reactions" to get an idea of what I'm talking about...

But the point is, Its quite sad that you allowed yourself to MISS an opportunity like this

to see Endgame, In theaters on Opening Weekend with the kind of atmosphere it had truly may have been something that was once in a lifetime...

so the overall point is....You clearly dont have much interest in Endgame in begin with, If I were you, I'd just never see it, You already missed seeing it in the best way possible, It doesnt make much sense to see it now especially since you clearly dont really care for the film....

But you are The ULTIMATE Bad-ass....You may just want to say "I didnt see EG in theaters, I waited for that shit to hit the $5 bin"..............your just that tough


God damnit's fricking 3:35 in the morning. My eyes are blurry and it's hard to read your while damn post......but yeah still haven't seen it. I saw endgame because I say infinity war. I liked infinity war a bit more than endgame. Endgame with the whole 5 years later bullshit was stupid. Now we have half the planet 5 years older. Can you imagine the logistics nightmare the governments of the earth has to go through now. Anyhow I'm not seeing Spiderman anytime soon or any other superhero film. They are boring to me now. I prefer straight up smart action films like Mission Impossible or the Bourne films, or John wick. Fast and Furious sucks now so thats out of the cards now....they decided to introduce super powers into the franchise....


Is it hard, to type while you have Disney's balls in your mouth? You're getting hard by counting somebody's money. Congratulations. Pat yourself on the back.


Damn straight.

And as expected, Far From Home has just crossed the billion dollar mark. It basically did it no time.

So yeah, a solo Spidey film finally - deservingly - joins the billion dollar club (feels great, huh Sony? Tee hee) which also means that the MCU in a single year had three billion dollar-earning films? πŸ‘‹πŸŽ€
Truly unprecedented.

Marvel sippin’ those salty hater tears and ridin’ higher than ever! :)


Do you like being dominated by Disney?

Is this a fetish thing?


Lion King is going to beat it. SM:FFH made $220M after 10 days, Lion King $370M (projected).
