Earth 616..

Is this just another example of Sony disregarding MCU continuity?


I really don't see how it can be disregarding MCU continuity since its more of an inside nod to the comics. Selvig came to the same conclusion that this reality was 616 in Thor The Dark World though he was borderline insane which could pass it off as a joke. I don't think 199999 exists anywhere in the MCU. But in the 616 comics they do reference 616 from time to time. I think 616 is just an arbitrary number Alan Moore assigned to ascribe the main universe that most Marvel comics take place in. Its kind of like if it isn't 616 then it doesn't really matter. Same thing here. But in the comics if they ever want to visit the timeline where the MCU happens they need to go to Earth 199999.

The real question is what is Earth 833? Mysterio could just be BS'ing but it wouldn't surprise me if 833 involved Loki escaping with the Tessaract in 2012.


I could buy that everyone thinks their own universe is 616, like it's a relative thing. But then why would Mysterio call his universe 833 unless he's saying that from Peter's POV it's 833, or that he's just lying.


Not everyone thinks their own universe is 616 though. It gets kinda complicated because its meta. 616 is what the writers of a universe say it is when they want the audience to know its the main universe. Lets just assume Mysterio is telling the truth to make it easier to follow. He's not the writer or creator of his 833 universe so he is free to come from there and enter 616. His mentioning of 833 and 616 is just him telling us there's a multiverse. Calling the main one 616 is just the writers giving a nod to the comics.

The reason the MCU can be 616 and the comics can be a different 616 is because movies and comics are separate media.


I thought Feige officially stated that MCU is 19999 or whatever to differentiate it from 616


I believe 199999 is the comic book number for the MCU. So if a character from the 616 comics wants to enter the MCU in the comics they have to travel to Earth 199999 in the comics.

As I said it gets kinda complicated.


So the main comic canon is 616 from their perspective, and the MCU canon is 616 from their perspective? Kind of what I was getting at with the relative universe numberring, but obviously it won't apply to every canon


Yeah I believe its based on the perspective of separate media. One 616 is on paper and the other is on film.

Not sure how they would handle it if they ever made a comic book version of Far From Home. Assuming Mysterio is telling the truth they would probably either change his line to 199999 or keep it as 616 but with Earth 199999 on the cover.


616 is in the Bible as an alternate for 666.

What it's saying is that living in that kind of world would be like living in Hell.
