It moves from comical to serious on the 2nd viewing
This movie, on first viewing, is great. A really surprising movie seeing Dick Cheney's story told, in a somewhat comical, and stylised way. They didn't go the usual biopic route. This is more like an op-ed. I was really entertained by this the first time.
But on 2nd viewing, it's not as funny. I saw the serious side of it. Someone who took power and abused it.
I didn't laugh so much with the reckless talks about invading Iraq. I actually thought it was very sad that they did this.
The jokes about Halliburton weren't so funny, he got his company a 2.5 billion dollar contract.
There is a sense of corruption. Corruption of power and corruption of spending.
And the selling out of the gay sister actually seemed darker, not so ironic, given the false mid-movie ending.