Your instincts betray you. Let me give you an example. We're talking about Bush and Iraq war, etc... and for some reason you find it necessary to start telling me about how much you love homosexuals. Yeah I get that you were using it to make a point, but look what you left out of that list of grievances: anything to do with class or wealth. Do you hate poor people? Are you poor-phobic? My spellchecker is. You made it a point to virtue signal about some very tiny (yet powerful) minorities and yet the unwashed masses are conspicuously left out entirely. Now I doubt you actually hate poor people, and I know it would be very easy for you to now say that you favor high taxes on rich people or something, but the point is you left that out, and you left it out in favor of the most mundane laundry list of the most corporate friendly agenda items imaginable. I'm sick to death of hearing about white privlidge, male privlidge, "cis"privlidge, while no liberal has the guts to admit he would trade places with black female billionaire Oprah in a nanosecond. You know all the correct views. I'm not sure you really believe them. It was just programmed into you and you're repeating them.
I don't have a strong opinion about who I'm talking to after 2 posts. But that's the sort of information I pick up on, probably because in my experience after having argued against war with many liberals for many years, all of them always say they're against war, but they never really are. In the end they're just practical people, not philosophic people, and they can always find the excuse they need to justify anything. So I pick up on a lot of dog whistles. I think if it came down to antisemitism versus war, you would choose war (as long as you're not the one fighting or paying).
All we have to do is tell you six million Jews are being gassed and you're ready (they claimed that in both WWI and WW2). Holocaust survivor Tom Lantos said babies were being thrown out of incubators, in order to start the first Iraq war. All wars are based on fake atrocity stories. If that's all it takes, you might go to war over many things, maybe even a crooked toenail would be enough. You're fundamentally on a different plane than me, thinking that a war can beat a concept like antisemitism (or dare I say terrorism as in the war against terror). In the circle of life where matter cannot be created or destroyed, there's a balance where attempting to stamp out racism or whatever just creates resentment and forces it underground where it festers. You have to be brave enough to take it head on and win hearts and minds. But I think the reason people don't do that is because they don't really believe in it. We know different things are different. You support or oppose war for the same reason you support or oppose free health care. Are you going to get more out than you put in? People get more than they bargain for thinking the answer is yes.
For your specific points, I don't know what argument I made about communism, but nationalist Stalin is hated almost as much as nationalist Hitler, whereas internationalist Trotsky is beloved, as the tragic "idealist". But it was Trotsky who said "war communism is just regular communism" and was openly far more brutal than any of the others could have even dreamed. He was Jewish supremacist and everything was about revenge. Criticism of Stalin is often backhanded praise of Trotsky. Notice the hammer and sickle remains far more acceptable than the swastika. The left's take on globalism is the usual muddle. They want world government to manage trade and make sure it's fair. That's what we have isn't it?
I stay away from talking about Bernie Sanders because I don't pay attention to him and don't know. I do know he endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, probably the most warmongeringest candidate of all time. Bush endorsed her. That's a microcosm of social justice. Hillary's escalation of war would be preferable to Trump's de-escalation of war... because Trump is racist/naughty. Gee, good thing Bush and Obama always made sure to say how great Islam the religion of peace is before slaughtering them by the millions. So polite! Trump is the opposite and it takes a warped university professor mindset to let black people die in poverty while dictating "people of color" as the replacement terminology for "colored people".
Jews are a group. Groups exist every bit as much as individuals exist, and with their own dynamics. Groups have group strategies, and Jews are particularly ethnocentric. Is it coincidence that Japan is 99% Japanese or that the Democratic Republic of Congo is a s***hole? The corporate globohomogayplex devalues humanity by insisting we're all interchangeable, as cheap disposable labor and consumers. George Bush actually promoted our presence in the Middle East as being for the good of Israel, not America.