Will this be on.

..Will this be on Hulu, on the A& E website or the app? (I'm currently visiting someone who does not have A&E..)

Is this a one time thing or will this be multiple episodes?

Thank you :)


i'm seeing on my guide that it's gonna be on again next tuesday so i'm thinking this is a series but idk about hulu or any website or any apps, hopefully someone can answer ur other question 



Go to http://www.aetv.com/shows/leah-remini-scientology-and-the-aftermath and check every day starting on November 30, 2016. Eventually the first episode will be on the website. You may need to verify that you subscribe to a satellite company or a cable company. Hope this helps.


there will be 8 episodes in total, one a week every tuesday with repeats of that episode until the next new episode....

so 1 episode down, and 7 more to go (7 more weeks) and i believe that each week will have a different topic...

GOSH KNOWS with this insidious abusive money scam of a cult run like north korea and acts out like organized crime, there is enough information LITERALLY to have a episode monday thru friday for a long time!...

ps. shelly the wife STILL not seen in public now for 11 years! except 1 time when she was 'allowed" to go to the funeral of her father! the wife! of the leader! nowhere seen at any of the "church" most important events! someone who was anywhere and everywhere and did/does a complete 180 degree turn and WILLINGLY? doesn't want to go anywhere and everywhere happy happy happy working working working in seclusion! for 11 years now! yeah, she's in seclusion alright according to sources at the cult's lake arrowhead secluded compound..

how happy happy happy is a whole other story!.... course she's either beyond brainwashed that she would literally think she DESERVES to be there or that she truly DOES want to be there (either way obviously brainwashed nuts!) and would tell authorities this if they came looking for her or she is terrified and trapped..


I'm beginning to wonder if she's dead ...

In heaven everything is fine.
