We need the head of Scientology to write new books.
He would make a wad of cash.
Given the Prostant terror spree Americans face on a daily basis, we I think he would make a killing in strictly monetary terms if he wrote a book on worship of L Ron Hubbard based on the ten commandments.
He should post the ten commandments and then an explanation for if one falls at least try to uphold another and that way there will be containment and at least some understanding. So for example if a genetically homosexual man justified his homosexuality in that he wanted an understanding of how to use it to help prevent adultery, that would set a limit on homosexuality based on the ten commandments thinking because he had to tie the issue into upholding another commandment, and that is the commandment that draws a line to explain this issue.
So if you break one, try to uphold another to gain self control and understanding.
With all these Protestant churches around, Protestants need examples of how to explain former reading materials (for example explanations of parts of Dianetics within the ten commandments) with ten commandments based thinking.
So then someone may feel more comfortable going to L Ron with ties to the 10 commandments or it would set a precedent for the current leader.
Or is this reading material available?
He needs to put it for sale so that we can buy it at a bookstore. Let it go from there. They might even need to create a division to prevent a take over (but then why couldn't the initial church set up a division for those people if they were so potentially numerous). But the first step is a book and it's a lot of money so if no then why... or even if he's not much of a writer and could only write one book or pamphlet every 7 years, I would want that to be one of his seven year projects, or get the right person with the right genetics to convey it for the masses.
We need to save America from this misinformation such as all the Protestants, Catholics and Hindus and Buddhists and Scientologists and non muslims and jews that are not familiar with how to apply the ten commandments. If someone doesn't want to be a masonic Jew through Catholicism like Jesus, they need to learn how to do it with any religion so America is begging for a best seller explaining these principles and quite frankly it could come from anybody but honestly the Church of Scientology needs to step up for official information on this one... because the misinformation the United States is drowning in is suffering us as a people and I think an understanding of the ten commandments, which is not for me directly but I respect it too, will help save the rest of us to help us stave off this domestic misinformation terror invasion.
Please, sir, head of Scientology, please give us some official information in some form, even in the Prologue and then get your cut from that if it helps it turn over more quickly...