L. Ron Hubbard's intentions
I know that his intentions were to start a "church" so that he could avoid paying taxes. I don't understand how the IRS back in the 1950's, when Christianity was so much more prevalent in our society than it is today, gave them the exemption.
While those were his intentions, did he mean it to cause so much harm? I get him writing books and making films about it. He was a creative guy and him doing that stuff probably helped him with his case with the IRS that he shouldn't have to pay taxes.
But, how would he feel now if all of the stories from the ex-members are true?
I'm not trying to convince anyone to believe in Christ, but it should be easy for even non-believers to look at the Crusades, Inquisition, Witch Trials, sexual abuses and think, "That is NOT what Christ wanted his followers to do." Especially not when His final commandment was, "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
So, were the abuses going on when Hubbard was alive and therefore he was ok with it? Or, was this just all "harmless" fun until he died and the other guy took over?