MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (2016) Discussion > What's up with the crazy scheduling chan...

What's up with the crazy scheduling changes?

Originally, my DirecTV DVR's guide listed this week's episode as "S01E08 Heretics", then it changed to "Ask Me Anything, Part 2", which had no episode number attached to it, and that's the episode that aired this week. On A&E's site, however, the episode is listed as "S01E08 Ask Me Anything, Part 2". Next week's episode was listed as "S01E08 Leah Remini: The Apostate" until today, when it was changed to an episode of 20/20 which is about Scientology and originally aired earlier this month. The 5-minute short "What Went Down: Life Goes On" was changed to a 4-minute short and its time slot moved from Tuesday at 10:58PM to later that night at 3AM. I've seen last-minute changes happen before, but never like this. What on Earth is going on over at A&E?


I'm in the same boat as you. I was so excited for episode 8 then it turned into the AMA and I thought I was going crazy bc I specifically remember seeing it listed on my channel guide. I thought 7-8 was supposed to be a 2 parter. Now the AMA is labeled as episode 8 and there's a 5-10 minute thing about victim blaming tonight that's being called episode 9. I think Scientology must have pulled some strings to get it taken off


If A&E caved, it would be beyond pathetic. A legal defense to slander is that you're telling the truth, so if the cult were to sue them, the suit would be thrown out right away. I read that the head of A&E was being personally harassed and threatened by the cult, but so what? Just make a reality TV series out of their harassment of her.


That's a great idea. Find SP's that are currently being harassed, and film/follow the d-bags doing the harassing. See how they like it.


That's weird - I was able to record every ep.
