Woah!! Tonight's episode is off the chain!!!!
A Pfizer executive (black and gay) telling lots of Pfizer secrets to his "date", who is actually someone from Project Veritas. Busted beyond belief. And then when he is told that he was recorded, he claims that he was "lying" to impress his date then goes on to call the cops and complains that he's surrounded by white people and then gets violent. Hopefully he is now a former Pfizer executive and that they will be in huge trouble now. 😳😳😳😳
These videos will most likely be taken down by YouTube:
I haven't watched these, but they look to be what was shown on tonight's episode.
ETA: Just watched the second video and holy shit. Homie went nuts. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Since FuckTube took down the original undercover video, here's another link for it: