
Maybe some minor spoilers.

Was good, satisfying, bittersweet. Went pretty much as expected. The first half was tough to watch, don't know if I'll watch that again for a while.

The song that they played at the end was the song that played at the start of the first episode.

I think saying Mary moved was their way of explaining why the house looked nothing like the one we occasionally saw on BBT. But from how it seems on the parent show, I'd argue she's still in Medford.

Similar to having Sheldon write his own memoirs. Not sure if this helps or hurts the argument about him bein an unreliable narrator. For example, the whole thing how we were always told he walked in on his dad cheating, and they made us think it would be with Brenda, then it was just Mary in a wig. Hopefully Mary set the record straight before it got published. Yeah might be somewhat embarrassing of a conversation for them, since they're both rather straight-laced, but better than letting the world think your husband had cheated when he hadn't.

Also, I do not buy that the twins made it this far without being baptized. Most Christian religions, Baptism is as an infant. I refuse to believe Mary didn't have the twins properly baptized as infants. Especially given the recent fuss over baptizing her granddaughter. Maybe she meant more of a Confirmation thing? But still just odd.

I'm still bitter that this show got a short final season. I would've watched another two months even if it is summer. Since it was already known to be the final season, not like they had to be that concerned about ratings. But that'd be really tight to do while developing the spin-off.

All in all, good show that I enjoyed and will miss. But it's good for a show to leave while still good instead of staying on years after it should've ended.

Thanks for the journey


I will miss this show, but I always liked Georgie so looking forward to the new one.


ASIU, Mary's church are baptists who usually don't do infant baptism (which does make the battle to baptise Ceecee first not fit).

For me, I always found the show disappointing. It's billed as a comedy, but I very rarely cracked a smile, however The Big Bang Theory also became progressively less funny.
The episodes' stories occasionally had merit, but they seemed scared of exploring some areas (e.g. George's affair and death).

The one highlight of the show was the emergence of Raegan Redford as Missy and I hope she goes on to better things. The finale just confirmed for me that she's probably the best actor from the cast.
