Has anyone seen this?

Just wondering....

Luna Wedler was amazing in this. Without her great performance, it would not have been as good. But everyone did a solid job.

Although it's not really explained as to why her character, known as "Mia", has her problem, its still rather intense film-making.


i watched it in march of 2019 according to my letterboxd account. i only have the vaguest memory of it - i don't retain details very well - but here's what i wrote at the time (i gave it a 3/5):

"a puzzling movie, in that it felt pretty great in some ways if perhaps a bit self-serious, seemed like it was creating a coming of age/self-revulsion story on the level of thelma or even raw, but it worked its way to an ending that seemed completely out of step & really underwhelming to everything it had been building up to.

it's good enough, & certainly well made in most ways, but it seems so odd to me that the creators would do all that work, do such good things in my eyes for something so ultimately silly."

so that's what i thought 2 years ago. but what did i know? i'm not the final authority on anything. i was probably just talking a lot of crap.


That's not a bad analysis of this movie. 3/5 seems reasonable. I would probably give it about the same score.

But for whatever reason it just reminded me of some of the nutty teens I knew back in my high school days. I have not seen Thelma or Raw but BMM is certainly fantasy film meets coming of age then mixed in with teen drama. lol...

I kind of liked it but would have been better with some kind of explanation as to why she is the way she is.
