[spoiler] Overall thoughts & ending
I liked this more than I initially expected. Quite surprising, really...
I liked that basically all of the main characters were troubled and frankly annoying. I mean, not one of them was likable. Also, they didn't get along well with almost anyone else. It kind of made it refreshing, in a weird way ;)
(regarding the ending, I'm disregarding the last scene with Fatima, which was basically just a bait to get a third season)
The ending was a glorious clusterfuck of a disaster! :)
No "happily ever after" in sight. Basically everyone is either miserable or dead, and the main character just fucked off on a walkabout (I guess to be able to generate the S3 bait...). Next step "up" would probably have been the main character just offing herself at the end.
Also, the big question throughout the series - and the hope the main character/viewers clinged to - getting answers regarding her dad, was unceremoniously popped like a baloon.
I think this was surpisingly daring, bravo! ;) People aren't used to this much negativity.
I guess these things are the reasons they didn't get renewed...
One could claim the ending and non-resolution of everything was bad writing, but I think it fit quite well with the tone of the series and the main character's antisocial attitude.
edit: Forgot to mention about the only positive character, the police officer. I was hoping her investgation was going to lead somewhere. But oh no, we can't have that! She just dies off-screen. It is plausible she might've survived though and could've reappeared in a possible S3. Stranger things have happened.