Most disappointing film of the year
So I finally got around to watching Roma (2018). This critically acclaimed, award winning film is written and directed by Alfonso Cuarón. It is about a Mexican family in the 1970s. Honestly, I was very underwhelmed. Some viewers have declared Roma the best film of the year, but for me it is definitely not. The film is overlong and not engaging enough for my liking. I don't feel that we get to know or care about the characters enough. I can appreciate what the director was going for, but it didn't completely work for me. I did like the cinematography and the actors were fine, but no one blew me away with their performance. There are some good moments, but not enough to satisfy me. I expect Roma to get several Oscar nominations, but it only deserves maybe two or three, in my opinion. I don't think it should be nominated for (or win) best picture or director. Roma is the most disappointing film of 2018 for me and only a 6/10.