This is the Saw of Action Franchises

And, as you can probably guess, I don't mean that as a compliment. It starts out good and fresh, then quickly becomes about one thing and loses all of its charm as you are ceaselessly hammered over the head with monotonous violence

The first one was good because it had a simple and familiar story of revenge, but was done a bit tongue-in-cheek. A super killer driven by the execution of a puppy. And then the suspense of seeing the "Baba Yaga" being built up as this force of nature about to be unleashed on these douchey gangsters

But John Wick 2 and 3 are just bad movies. The lore isn't interesting, I never see it being discussed or referenced anywhere. The Continental, the High Table, the kingdom of hobos, etc.

It's really all just about the action, but the action is the exact same shit as in John Wick 1, just with higher body counts. It's BORING

I don't get it. There is such a thing as combat sports. Or professional dance if what draws you to this stuff is the choreography


Oh I love posts like these lol :D

Like you know wtf are you talking about


I know that this is gonna make a lot of people with bad taste mad


You know that yes. That's why you post nonsense to get attention.


😶 Don't judge me


Can't judge a retard. It's ok buddy.


That's what your mom said last night 🤣


I disagree. They are creating a whole universe with unique rules. Besides John Wick thousands of other stories can happen in this universe. At least the makers of JW knew how to create an appealing mythology.
Waiting for more...
