My quick review

This Indonesian ultra-violent flick is like The Raid 2, with a simpler plot, less sub-plots and more blood, believe it or not. This is not necessarily a bad thing and personally, I admit to enjoy this exhilarating ride that kept my heart beating fast and a small terrified smile on the corner of my lips. The violence is intense but also creative, well-shot, well-choreographed and entertainingly gore. Funnily, one of the parts that made me wince the most did not involve gore; it’s just a guy kicking a metal post. Ouch! My rating: 8.5/10


I couldn't take it serious... and to me the movie did not intentionally try to be funny (could be because of the subtitles that I missed something)... But the fights was just to slap stick to me... Ito could have be taken down rather quickly but for some reason the people he was fighting had to take him on one at a time (sometimes two when it fit the fight) and he was also immune to bullets.. I just found it to silly and was laughing through most of the fights which I do not believe was what they were aiming for...
