Really enjoyed it.

Thought it was well-made and touching. Beautiful scenes and the CGI was top-notch.

Seems like there's a coordinated effort to trash this moving, but from someone who's actually seen it, I give it a thumb's up.


I get the complaints about the merits of remaking the original film; it comes with every remake/reboot. It’s the hysteria labeling this the death of creativity that kills me.


I watched the original the day before I went to see this one. The soullessness is amplified over the other live-action remakes because photorealistic animals just can't emote properly. It was just boring, and the big scenes didn't stir up any of the proper feeling.


My opinion is just the opposite. I thought they did a fantastic job with the animal's faces, with the most moving scenes for me between Simba and Mufasa.


I went to see it with my family and really enjoyed it as well. It was really well made and held the spirit of original. One complaint I had: Beyoncé seemed very monotone as Nala. It was almost like she just recited her lines.


I wasn't aware that it was her when I saw it, but thinking back, there did seem to be something wrong with Nala's voice.


I was talking to someone about writing this and he said "Didn't they learn anything from Dream Girls? The girl can sing but she can't act."
