12 gifts

What were the 12 giftd?


As I write this, I'm still watching the premiere of it on Hallmark. And while it follows a very traditional & familiar Christmas carol, in the spirit of the holidays, I list them (1 received each day):
1) partridge in a pear tree (live & in a cage)
2) two turtle doves (live & in a cage)
3) three French hens (ditto)
4) four calling birds (finally - battery-operated fake ones)
5) five gold rings
6) six geese a-laying (in the form of large decorative floor pillows)
7) seven swans a-swimming (confession - I missed this delivery in the movie)
8) eight maids a-milking (ditto - when your dog needs to go for a walk, he doesn't care that there's a movie on)
9) nine ladies dancing (ditto)
10) ten lords a-leaping (nine guys in costume outside the house)
11) eleven pipers piping (all guys, who then get invited in for breakfast in return for helping set up the wedding venue in the barn)
12) twelve drummers drumming (from one of the photos - return of the first caroler on the shoulders of drummers).


7 was 7 Swans-A-Swimming bottles of beer.
8 and 9 were people in costumes exactly as described :).


I don't know, but she missed one "gift" while out w/Scott at the festival. Remember those guys ringing the doorbell ready to dance or something for her?
I love Liam he's so GORGEOUS and a always there for her and OBVIOUSLY crazy about her. Then "12 pipers piping" was the other "gift" who her father invited in the house to prepare for Janet's wedding and a free breakfast. If I was her I would just go for Liam and forget about the gifts. She may have lost Liam though b/c he feels like a "leftover" b/c she realized Scott wasn't the one sending her the "gifts" so she runs to Liam thinking it was him... I think someone is doing this to her so that she could see that the "perfect man" in her life was always in front of her - LIAM. Hell even her own father could see how much they belong w/each other.


The gifts weren't for her or from either man.
