Main Character Is Too Perky
First of all, I look forward to watching the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies each year. This year has not been their best productions, in my opinion. I enjoyed the 2013/14 seasons better. With movies like "The Nine Lives of Christmas" and "Snow Bride". Both of the female leads characteristics were more grounded. By the way, where are Kimberly Sustad and Katrina Law this year? They are enjoyable and talented actresses and should have more lead roles.
So, I'm watching "My Christmas Love" right now and I gotta tell ya, I will be deleting my recording after I finish this. The main female lead, Meredith Hagner, is way beyond perkily annoying. I know that's what the script and director called for, but she needed to take it down a notch or four. It verged on the edge of airhead. She didn't listen to anyone's wishes. Just what she thought should be done, for instance, decorating the house. The sister was a little too brittle. The guys were the regular stock that Hallmark uses, but that's fine because it's nice to see the same people and know that they are getting work. Acting is not an easy profession to find work. OK, I'm done. Have a nice holiday season whatever your faith or philosophy is. And, here's hoping that the 2017 Christmas season 🌲will have better Hallmark movies.
Vintage Gal