Not too bad at all.

OK, so we all know what Lifetime movies are like. Either you hate them or you love them. I don't think they're too bad at all. I like TV films with no mega-famous stars in it, no Samuel L. Jackson, no Morgan Freeman.. Just ordinary and basically unknown actors, run-of-the-mill plots and smaller towns with no Golden Gate Bridge nor Statue of Liberty. The films have basically the same structure, the protagonist, the evil person, the innocent relatives and friends, all running up to the end where the plot "unthickens".

I seriously doubt this film will get any award unless it's the Walmart Award for the longest remaining on the shelf DVD but still it's good to watch on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

All right then. So that's that.


I too enjoy lifetime films, and enjoy the ridiculousness of them.

A few notes:
The old guy was a terrible actor and was happy Miranda spared us more of him on screen.

Andrew (Mrs Doubtfire guy) was more than useless the entire film, limping around and provided almost no value to any scene, but I suppose they have to have him there for emotional support and to prove that the sister "has a life".

Aubrey was a complete b*tch from the start, even the taking photos inside the stripclub scene - I really wished she got what she deserved by Miranda.

I did find it ridiculous the cops that managed to solve a case in Mexico within a few minutes, like seriously? Firstly it's not even your jurisdiction let alone country, I'm sure those police departments in Mexico would be more than happy telling you to piss off. Secondly what do they know about medical conditions of the mother? How about consult a medical professional, someone who actually knows what they're talking about.

In saying all this, I enjoyed the film. I wish Miranda had survived somehow to bless us with a sequel.
