thank you very much. i agree, it is a delighting discussion. something which i actually rarely find here on IMDB.
yeah, i love the CC roasts. great concept, rooting in a long comedic tradition that started way before cc even existed, with an awesome set of comics, friends of the person being roasted and random celebs that seemed interesting and fit for the task.
once again i have to disagree on the "bullyfest" terminology though. she was the biggest target ever, that much we are the same page, BUT it was a game of equal chances. the last time someone took a similar beating it was with "the situation", with the only difference being that there was less personal animosity. the jokes were similarly brutal, though. from a fairness standpoint, he was even in a worse position. i mean, who would have thought, that out of all people ann would be tanking so bad in a contest of being the most vicious?!?! in direct comparison: mike (the situation) might be a backstabbing idiot, but vicious? ann has made a career out of being a relentless, irresponsible hate monger.
ironically i hate nothing more, than when people express their "schadenfreude", when random people hurt themselves. there is a huge difference though, since in this case it is rather a case of vengeance, because that's what ann has been to doing to whole groups of people, with significant damage to our socio-political system. nevertheless, it was just jokes, so even vengeance is too harsh of a word. comic relief might be the most fitting word.
and it's not, like any of the jokes in question were any harder than what we had heard before on the roast, it's just that the sheer volume might have made it seem that way.
sorry to repeat myself, but her being ill prepared was what made it looks so hard and that was her own fault. sure, out of all people ever invited, she was the most widely hated by the lineup, but to segway into the next point you made, she wasn't the first person that people had serious ill feelings about. i recommend the denis leary roast in comparison, especially the deleted scenes. i am sure you are familiar with the whole bill hicks friends/fans vs leary debacle.
nick has quite a few right leaning views, but he makes am funny and i like him a lot. :D
as for larry, it is more than a shtick. except for maybe ron white, the blue collar comedy crew are quite wide on the right, with larry in particular expressing racist and homophobic in his programs, especially in the earlier ones. this lead to multiple clashes with other comedians, in particular with david cross.
as for likeable in person, that's a completely different beast altogether. i don't doubt that, but that does not make it any better. larry surely isn't as bad as ann, but it's not all act.
it would be different, if we would be talking about andrew "dice" clay, gilbert geoffrey or the like, where there's a clean line between onstage persona and private person.