Bad writing

I have seen some scenes in this series where you end up shouting" Oh, come on!" at the screen as they do not have any ring of truth about them. I know that it's a drama, but lapses in writing can let the whole thing down. Possible spoilers for those who have not seen it yet.

1. In the first episode, Laura's sister, Katy is allowed to walk into Laura's flat while the police forensic team are looking for evidence. Katy is supposed to be an intelligent professional woman and yet she makes this boneheaded move. For a start, there should have been a police officer outside to stop her.

2. Laura writes on social media that she has been raped, publicly naming Andrew. She is allowed to continue to work as a teacher AND and she even carries on teaching his son!!!No school would allow that to happen. At the very least, she would be asked to go on leave.

3. Andrew is told by the investigating officer, Vanessa, that he may have heard that the Crown Prosecution Service have decided not to prosecute him. I am almost certain that he would have been informed officially by letter and or email. No way would it be done by word of mouth.


Not to mention when the girl is pregnant and goes to the hospital, Laura contacts the boyfriend and not the father. My wife is a teacher and she just sat there shaking her head at how this situation was not only handled incorrectly, but that no teacher would take that risk, they would do it 100% by the book.


The girl was 16 and I think in the UK that is no longer a minor in terms of medical decisions. So the doctors do not need parental consent to treat a 16 year old and they are not obligated to tell the parent about her medical condition. So the girl was legally able to choose who she wanted to notify and Laura went along with the girl's choice. Laura was going by the book, it's just different laws she is going by.


I do agree there were many moments throughout both seasons where I was in disbelief at the protagonists actions (unlocked windows notwithstanding) but ultimately there were so many twists and turns in the plot that I was riveted. In terms of a viewer wondering who the murderer is, I thought the writing was excellent although I did wonder how I (as a writer) would rewrite those cringy parts. I usually think of that as I watch something but this series had a lot going on all the time so I had to pay attention.


I really wanted to like this show, I swear. I pushed through to the very end, just hoping that somehow it would get better. But holy hell, from the very first episode, I was just constantly yelling at my TV screen. Not a single likeable character throughout the entire show (except maybe Ian or Liam), so it was really hard to root for the "good guys," because I hated every one of them.

It was also annoying that each time they'd bring in a new female character, they had to make her just as stupid and incompetent as the others. It was infuriating! I kept hoping for a character to prove me wrong, but they never did. The main character, Laura, was terrible right off the bat. I get that she was going through a horrible trauma, but my god, it felt like every single decision she made was the worst one, and completely impulsive, and always with negative consequences that anyone would've seen coming from miles away. Yet somehow she never did, and then she's all shocked that X, Y, or Z happened as a direct result of her childish actions.

As you mentioned in your first point, about the crime scene crew: that pissed me off, too! There were SO many things within the show that were just ridiculous and unrealistic, many of them concerning forensics and the police investigations.
And then when the very end episode happened, and it shows us (presumably as it happened) that Laura was the one that caused Andrew's death, I kept yelling at the TV, "That's fucking self-defense, then, not murder!"
And yes, I do get that Laura had had bad experiences with the cops with the previous rape allegations/investigations, but still, had she actually gone to the cops when that happened, they would've been able to see that it was clearly self-defense.

Same with the shipping container bit. The guy sprayed his blood everywhere to make it look like he died there, but any blood spatter analyst would be able to tell that it was a completely staged scene.

Just a god awful show, what a shame :(
