MovieChat Forums > Superman (2025) Discussion > Finally a Supaman movie worthy of the hi...

Finally a Supaman movie worthy of the high taste of Andre Pedeno

Created by a fellow kiddy fiddler James Gunn.
I mean, have you guys even seen those tweets? o_O

DC has always been and always will remain the house of D for C




Andre Cedeno who is a Pedeno, a famous Internet lolcow, and number 1 DC aficionado
I actually thought he would like this Superman movie because it's colourful and kid friendly and unlike the Nolanverse. And it has Crypto the dog and so many other comicbook characters.
I was wrong. He apparently hates it for some reason.

JL theatrical Superman is better than Gunn& theatrical still holds up🗑️! WB are reactionary clowns 🤡

Apparently he misses Henry Cavill. But what is so inaccurate about the SuperGunn universe I wonder?


he has a point. they keep rebooting over and over every few years. the same goes for spiderman. ASM 2 failed then they AGAIN switch actor and make a new spiderman. you dont reboot THAT quickly. WB dont know what to do they keep rebooting everything over and over


There's a name I hadn't heard in a long time.


Is he still around??


Unfortunately, yes. I linked his video and channel in my previous comment.
Good to see some IMDb OGs are still around. Makes you wonder what happened to Oubliette Midas, Odum C.
I believe FuriousStyles and Ackbar are already here as well. I feel we should have a gathering of the BvS veterans from back in the day!


I believe Odum , and Ackbar are in my ignore list
