Not bad, needs more action, less talk
Possibly (very) mild spoilers.
Long after an apocalypse an unknown entity is attempting to repopulate Earth with human clones. Not only are their bodies reformed, but their minds from some point during their lifetime when a scan was made of their brain state. But the cause of the apocalypse still lingers on Earth and is claiming new victims. This series is about the struggle to finally defeat the original threat and reclaim Earth. A small group of people are brought back and thrust into a world very different and long past the one they remember. There are new dangers, old dangers, and quite a few surprises.
It is low budget so if that bothers you then stick to blockbuster sci-fi. The acting is typical for low budget movies and tv series. The story is excellent but is burdened with cliche family and relationship dynamics. Every problem will be solved just as if this were an afternoon Nickelodeon show. There will be the loved ones who become enemies and should be killed or restrained but the characters will fret over the decision time and again putting themselves and others at risk. The bad guys will ruthlessly kill but the good guys only kill when the bad guys are armed and attacking. It's a B grade series, maybe even C grade.
The number one thing that could really turn this series around, assuming there is a 2nd season, is better direction. Demand a little more from the actors, don't allow them to stand around spewing dialog because none of them are good enough. Keep them moving, doing things, cut back on the dialog, and this show will be significantly improved.