An awful mess
A lot of credit to The Matrix should be acknowledged for this one, down to being pulled out of the "possessor's" alternate existence at the time of most danger. But aside from the brutal violence and nudity and graphic sex, this doesn't have much going for it. Gets an incredible 93% rating from the critics on RT, but a much more accurate 59% audience score, and also 6.5 on IMDB, which I guess is not bad for a horror movie (although interest is weak, with only 16K votes). It's also interesting that critics are confused about the first murder--some claiming that it was Vos, some saying the possessor was not "gotten out" but was killed by the cops, some saying she did "get out." So I'm glad to see I'm not the only one confused. I thought the Black woman seen near the end in the lab was this first "possessor," but I'm not sure now.