The White Man's Burden...
I'm sorry but every single woman in this movie was 10x more compelling and well-rounded then this white kid, and yet the whole story revolved around him for some reason? It was like since he had a great life he had to leech off other people's pain/experiences in order to fEeL sOmEtHiNg. I'm so tired of this narrative! White men need to develop a personality or something instead of living through the disabled/poor, LGBT and divorcee women around them like sheesh. Even the alcoholic mother was a more interesting character in the .2 seconds she was on screen than this kid was the whole movie! Haven't we had enough of the manic pixie dream girl?
As a sidenote, the first half of the movie with him literally stalking her gave off "You" vibes and the only thing distinguishing it from horror was the soundtrack.