Just finished season 1…

Here is my summary of the episodes:

Episode 1: Alright but a bit boring. Hope it will pick up the pace. 6/10
Episode 2: Even slower and all that baby stuff didn’t pull me in. The highlight was a game of Scrabble. This show might not be for me… we’ll see. 5.5/10
Episode 3: Better but still, not very exciting or enthralling. They should’ve start with something like this. At least I would’ve been hooked since the start. 6.5/10
Episode 4: Maybe because this is the first episode I watched at night or maybe because I was plenty high but this one was mesmerizingly beautiful. Again, slow, not much happened but it was very good nonetheless. The style reminds me of Korean director’s Kim Ji-Woon. There was another game of scrabble too. 8/10
Episode 5: A very good follow up after ep. 4. We got to see titties and blood! (Not in the same scene 😆 ) 7.5/10
Episode 6: A little bit too standard drama to really excite me but it’s something. I’m looking forward for the next episode. 6.5/10
Episode 7: Strong episode. Very strong. It has a little bit of everything. 8/10
Episode 8: Meh, it was alright but could’ve been way more effective and memorable. 6.5/10
Episode 9: It really isn’t as powerful as it pretends to be. Honestly, kind of a weak and predictable episode. 6/10
Episode 10: Solid ending to a very uneven season. 7.5/10

Overall: 7/10

Good series but not great like I been told.


Nice summary, I have been wanting to watch this. Let us know how Season 2 goes.


Thanks Bubba. I had bought season 2 along with season 1 so I will definitely watch it and come back here but it better be really fucking good if they want me back for the third season.
