Too flat a movie

I expected way more.
The movie drones in the final hour.
Ok he's against fighting and Hitler, but he's given a resonable opportunity to save himself without fighting. He becomes a bigot to his cause for no reasonable motivation.
Aside from the nazi major, everybody around him could have changed a bit over 3 hours of film to give a better perspective on the matter, but again the movie flatlines.

I love Malick but I feel he left lots of the meat of this matter undercooked.


I don't think he was against fighting, it all hinged on having to give an oath to Hitler and the Nazi party/govt, which he saw as evil.

Yeah, the movie droned on a bit. It was easier to watch in several different sittings, but I was personally mesmerized by gorgeous mountain setting.


Malick's style is where the movie shines, obviously. I lovE his movies because of it.

I wish the story was better, too obtuse and obvious. He needed to develope it more.


But what is there to develop? I love interest at the prison? Hitler making a person visit? It's a really basic story, if anything it was too long.


It's not basic, it's just not developed.
I can tell you "Hamlet hates his uncle so they kill each other" or show you the beginning and develope the story from there. It's a basic story too, anything is if you want.
I don't know why spend so much effort with this one if there's nothing more than what we see onscreen.


because the director is creating more than a linear movie and theme/plot line, it's about the mood and emotion. He captures that perfectly.


Ok but that shouldn't conflict with a deeper story.
An expressionist doesn't have to paint something boring to be effective, he can paint something more meaningful than an apple and possibly be more engaging.


a joy to look at though


I liked the first hour, but man this thing drags after that.


i have to see it


I mostly agree. I am also a fan of Malick but this one is easily my least favorite of his films. It is way too long and doesn't really give you a real perspective of why Jägerstätter did what he did. I usually enjoy Malick's meditative approach to filmmaking but with this film it feels as if he is just lingering. I looked at my watch a bit too often while watching this film.
