Another WWII Film...?
Nothing against Terry and WWII, but it seems like it's the safe zone for Hollywood the past while? Would've liked to see Terry tackle something a little more 'outside the radar'. As tragic as the synopsis sounds, I'm sure it will be a good movie. But think Terry would've been better off doing something like Rommel, or how America almost lost Korea at one point, or the Indo-China connection to get at Japan before MacArthur stormed across the Pacific. Bay Of Pigs, etc. It just seems like when anyone conjures up 'good person in conflict taken out by bad people that view person as corrosive set against a backdrop of epic action and destruction...' WWII, Nazi's, and lots of guns and explosions. Educational fun for the whole family, be they christian or jew. Guaranteed box office and Oscar contention. I hate to sound so cynical, but I'd like to experience something a little more 'unpredictable' when it comes to a great film maker like Terry. Maybe he'll do that with this movie. Or maybe movie goers will be comforted by the 'same old, same old' when it's done and out?