a review
I don’t understand how you can describe a film as being one joke, and when explaining what the one joke is, describe the movie’s plot. Like... an overconfident and condescending man gets cut down to size (literally) by getting turned into a pigeon. Why wouldn’t the jokes be based on that? That has a lot of comedic potential so they went with it, that’s what the movie is about. Not sure why someone would fault it for that.
The goons were generic and they didn’t have a reason not to be, they weren’t important, but I wouldn’t call the villain generic, other than his drone technology. He was more interesting because he assisted in the movies message of how good and bad in people were blurred and how violence just led to more violence and more pain. Though I have to say, he was exactly the same as Zemo from Captain America: Civil War, and predictable as such (innocent guy where “heroes” came into his country and saved the day carelessly causing destruction that killed his people and loved ones, sending him on a path of revenge against the heroes, turning into the bad guy) . The movie was quite predictable pretty often, it seemed they didn’t know how to foreshadow correctly and gave too much information. Killian’s interaction with the agent he had working for him mostly gave it away, then as soon as he said “Kyrgyzstan”, I knew it. What he said to that agent earlier gave it away and they just completely confirmed it, and yep. Was a great idea, I just don’t like how they made it obvious before the reveal. Subtlety was non existent when it came to hinting at later plot reveals in this movie.