The "good war"
As we hear the mainstream media going hysterical over Trump being a nazi and everyone who disagrees with them on immigration policies also being a nazi, as we hear random people refering to something or someone they consider to be pure evil as "like Hitler" we forget just how brainwashed we have been. Endless videogames fighting in ww2 against the evil nazis, endless propaganda about the nazi death camps, but no awareness at all over the allied death camps. As we in Europe embrace our own demise and open our borders due to the guilt and shame of our evil nazi ancestors, we ignore the atrocities of the americans not only then but today as they throw their war machine into the Middle East at the behest of the MIC and zionist lobbies. We forget about theatrics like C.Powell and his little bottle of Anthrax or how Israeli intel lied about Mohammed Atta meetings. We tell ourselves we are the good guys and we strive to be just as good as those who fought against the evil nazis and managed to defeat those demons. Not realizing that there are no good wars and that both sides are capable of unthinkable evil.
Only by shedding light on this can we overcome this cartoonish view of the nazis and understand that wars awaken evil in both sides of the conflict. Only then will we finally be able to say no to the MIC. Hopefully the age of the internet sheds light on these issues, but I'm afraid the truth about ww2 will forever hide in the shadows.