
How does one cook a good brisket?


So I found “Midge’s recipe” online and it is delicious. I modified the recipe a bit so I could make it in a slow cooker. It comes out even nicer!

The trick - cook it on low heat for a long time (~5 hours). The longer it cooks, the more tender it gets.


I tend to do this with most "roasts" as the name would imply.
As for flavor use your own judgement.
It tends to be a fatty meat so the beef flavor is rich.
WHAT I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO TRY was curing a good lean piece of beef (maybe a rump roast) like they do the brisket, for corned beef. I had a recipe for this from Ann Landers over 35 years ago. I should hunt it down.


Please share that recipe when you find it!


Oh, this is so much more than a movie board 😅
