To jewish?

This show is so over the top jewish it makes Woody Allen look Methodist.
I've always liked jewish humor but it might be hard for a mass audence,


To Jewish what? What is it you want to go to the Jewish?


Oy! A mass audience?! What, Nuremberg?


I like Woody Allen and have seen all his movies except for the latest few. This is a different kind of Jewish humor. It's Yenta humor which appeals to very few people because it is based on conceit and so feels forced. Regular people do not understand this drive of a mother to "become" a comedienne. Who do you have to know to get that job? Ask Michelle Wolf.


I watched The Nanny. So I felt perfectly prepared ;)


To Jewish what? What is going to Jewish? Or did you mean "too"?


to Jewish? Or NOT to Jewish? 'Tis the question.
