Thats what Maya mentioned. And its clearly seen how pepetoony is reacting with "Bisexual men have to get their sex with men sometime/somewhere". It's like telling a happily married 100% straight guy: "I can't believe you are monogamic! You must fuck around!"
Some people are happy in one relationship and stay monogamic, either because they truly feeling like this or they keep it because of trust/norms. Same time there are many unfaithful people out there, who does not tell it to anyone. So I don't see a problem, why a bi guy might be interested in guys, but as he is happy with his relationship, stay in it.
Also @pepetoony: You would be surprised how big the swinger scene in married couples is - most of them also not saying a word, but here some guys also live out their desire and are totally satisfied.
In other words: I believe that most bi people are pursuing straight relationships, especially if they are not openly out of the closet. As they can get happy with straight relationships they even don't have to out themselves. On the other side, homosexual people have to get out of the closet to have a fulfilled life. And yes, this has to do with the general norms of our society and its acceptance.