Could this reference Bughuul?

I heard rumors that Sinister and Insidious could be in the same universe. Both films belong to Blumhouse so it's possible that Bughuul could be a new demon in the Insidious series. Since there will never be a new Sinister movie I think it would be a cool idea to put him in I4. We could get some more backstory and maybe defeat Bughuul

Meet me at the waterfront after the social.


I doubt it but I wish!!! I find sinister scarier than the insidious movies so it would be cool if they incoperated him in some capacity.


I guess you can't please eveybody lol, because I love the Insidious franchise but found Sinister boring (didn't even watch the second one). So a no for me!

There are maybe five beings I hope I never have to fight and J'onn Jonzz is one of them. - Superman
