This is pure propaganda.

Watch Winter On Fire instead for what actually occurred.

I was personally at Euromaidan and I am an eyewitness, and I am very strongly anti-Nazi.

There were radical elements there, but they were useful idiots and the general public had no real support for them beyond allowing them to risk their own socioeconomic credit for being the first to stand up to the kleptocratic violence from Berkut, etc.

Oliver Stone denies that Yanukovich did anything wrong, and yet the former wannabe-dictator's home was revealed to demonstrate obnoxious wealth, stolen from the population, which is an act of treason at the very least, and is perfect grounds for impeachment (through our extremely corrupt court system, it could never have been done). Then, as he fled to russia, he and his team stole $32 billion dollars in cash, apparently transported in trucks.

This poor excuse of a film maker must either live in a fortified echo chamber or have been paid gracefully by Yanukovich and/or the Kremlin.


Did you saw our film?


Why would he, government TV told him and these 1/10 reviewers "it's bad separatist movie, go to the boards and ridicule it".


You're either paid to push lies or you're just a liar.

This is the closest to the truth of what happened as head ever been told.

How dare you?!?!?

You are a shameful disgrace of a human being.


Yeah, no nazies. And UPA flags with Bandera portraits were brought by Putin's agents. Forget it, " freedom fighter". Why only 30 billions, maybe Yanukovich got trucks with 100 billions. How about 200 billions. Nobody saw them, so, any number will do. And in Odessa people burned themselves and in Lughansk it was an exploded air conditioner that killed those people.

I know it is useless but couldn't skip it...


It's obvious early in the documentary when Putin is given screen time where he explains how he cares about the suffering of Ukrainians because of corruption. Give me a fuckin break.


Yeah, and winter on fire is not equally propaganda 🤣🤣🤣
