I thought it was bad, stopped watching after 15 minutes.
Very poor effects and they should have learned by now that LESS is often MORE when it comes to CGI, makeup and things like that. If you can't do it right keep it to a bare minimum.
I see what they're trying to do, they wanted to create a female version of Ash. I'm fine with that but at least they could have picked an actress with a bit more acting skill and a broader variation of facial expressions. I'm not going to pick on the way she looks, but I already did by writing that. The main guy was good tho, it was the only redeeming part of the the show as far as I could see. It was not however enough to keep me watching.
The poor dialogue, very bad humor... it's just too much. I'm not saying Ash vs Evil dead is better at those things but it does certain things way, way better than this show did. That's for sure.
There is a difference in creating a show that doesn't take itself serious in a good way, ie Ash vs Evil dead and then you have this show. It just feels like a bad joke and you're not laughing. Maybe it was just a very bad first episode but let's face it, it's going to get worse from this point out. Once they release a "filler" episode(which should be around episode 2-4) it'll murder the show, mark my words.