This crushes Ash vs Evil Dead
Ash vs Evil Dead is repetitive nonsense with no climactic occurrences or comedic aspect, with Pablo always being the damsel, Ruby being a bjtich and killing her 'children', and Ash always encountering the same nonsense. Granted I'll still continue to watch it, this is far better. However, people will not like this and will vote it low simply because they think it's similar to Ash vs Evil Dead.
This show offers comedy, and it isn't afraid to go a non-PC route unlike most shows. I'm happy for ONCE in the past fjucking decade a man isn't afraid to stereotype a woman, though there is the racism in Ash vs Evil Dead. The two of them combined, slap in some South Park, and it's all glorious.
This deserves to be at least a 7.5-7.7 and deserves a fair chance.
I personally think this show is wonderful and deserves to go far. It's about demons and witches, and a spell book. Not a book of the dead which summons evil spirits or anything like that.