Guy Pearce best movie to date!!
Crazy action packed, pure octane.
shareHmm, it has a 3.3. rating on imdb.
shareThe irony is strong in this one.
Basically, this movie did not manage to hire Lorenzo Lamas, and went with Guy Pearce instead. It seems that Mr. Pearce had played "truth or dare" with someone and chose "dare" after he lost. I'm curious what did he need the check for.
The film looked better on paper and none of the 14 producers are happy with the final cut. The director York Alec Shackleton messed this up in a huge way. In regards to cutting checks Guy Pearce & Devon Sawa was paid just above scale for this film.
I suspect this is Guy Pearce lowest paying action gig since he started out. He is very talented and despite a terrible director and weak script he did a good job here.
Hi, you sound like an insider. What happens when someone messes things up so royally? Obviously, money has been spent. Money that is not likely to be earned back...
shareAs this is not a studio film very little will happened to the director. However the producers and executive producer will probably not consider him for future projects. This film will probably make an acceptable profit, this due to DVD sales in Asia & India and some parts of South America. This marked is drastically being reduces year by year. Sell 1 mill DVDs and the film is making money.
I don’t know what deals the producers have negotiated with Netflix but streaming rights will be about $ 150k ( if that ) if the other streaming services + TV pile on the producers might see $800k – 1Mill all in.
I'm not sure how this movie could possible make a profit for the producers. The only way I can see it making any money is if they were able to get money from some state film board or something like that. While the movie was total shit it still cost money to make and I simply don't see enough revenue sources on the end to make back the money it would have cost up front... then factor in the time value of money and it would be even worse.
shareI just called a friend that claims Netflix will only pay a few grand for a film like this now. Apparently Netflix only do library buys Now a days.
This means less money for the filmmakers.
Sorry but if you read the script of this movie it would have looked good, if you bothered to pay close attention it would have come across as complete shit. A US marshal that doesn't carry a gun, bullshit the marshal service wouldn't allow it... then of course the US marshals don't look after towns the writers of this crap seem to have confused a US Marshal from the old west with what is in modern America a local sheriff. But worse still is they set this in Kentucky, not a bastion of anti-gun pussies so the odds of a couple of biker waltzing into a diner and acting like fucking dicks without getting shot or run out of the place ducking bullets is about zero. This pussy town might exist in some liberal states with strict gun control laws but not in a state like Kentucky.
shareStop trolling! Horrible movie. The acting came straight out of The Room.