Cancelled my Prime account after the Richard "ice cream is gay" comment
but I heard the Beach buggy episode was pretty good. Is it worth getting a Prim account again?
You do not take down a Legend
but I heard the Beach buggy episode was pretty good. Is it worth getting a Prim account again?
You do not take down a Legend
lol what a ridiculous reason to cancel your account. But no honestly the two part beach buggy episode wasn't that great. And episode 9 was awful too. You're not missing much. Best part about Prime is having the back catalog of TG available to relive the glory days.
shareI also have Member berries. Member when Clarkson tried to drown the Hilux? Yeah I member!
You do not take down a Legend
Best part about Prime is free shipping.
shareThe ice cream and gay bit was a reference to a Finnish car commercial which included ice cream and the driver turning gay. That episode's audience with Finnish.
They should have avoided using the joke, or airing it at least, due to the international backlash from people who don't know what it is in reference to.
No, it's an Ice Cream ad - Kingis Ice Cream.
Check it out here:
Koolguy, you're not so cool. Have you ever been in an ice cream parlour? In the UK at least they're often quite camp. And whilst campness and gayness are certainly not synonymous , campness has been embraced by some gay people more than it would seem heterosexuals do on average . It was a lighthearted comment and neither meant to be a scientifically sociological one nor was it meant to imply that being gay is ridiculous or inferior. It WASN'T the American custom amongst some teenagers of saying 'That's so gay', where gay is used to mean ridiculous, stupid, naive etc. It was just the equivalent of someone making very broad associations eg "I'm not wearing those bright trousers because I'm not a golfer!" It doesn't necessarily mean you're derriding golfers who wear bright trousers nor does it mean you're suggesting many or all golfers wear bright trousers. It's just Richard's way of saying he's not camp. No malice intended. If anything , he's just being a bit theatrical with his phrasing. His nickname's 'The Hamster'. He's a 'sex thimble'. He's no dark ages brute!
sharethis was reference tio an advert from finland- but all the same gays dont give a fck from reactions i know - only straight whites libs give a toss
it got better after that - yes.
the lads allways throw in these un pcs things koolguy - its just banter really as they are known to go agaist anything liberal. so why change that formula?
I dont suggest you leave the country then. F@g is openly used on a lot of overseas television as well as other gay slurs....
Why would you cancel something you paid for? I get not watching the show but you can watch other shows on prime cant you?
You canceled your Prime account over an ice cream joke? You do know that there are other uses for Prime right? And if you are boycotting Amazon over a joke, you are too sensitive to life. It's a joke. Get over it.
shareI guess none of you have stumbled across Koolguy on IMDb before. You're all being trolled...
SEX - Breakfast Of Champions!
Its interesting, I decided to buy into amazon prime only after I read he made that joke
I guess it all evens out in the end
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