A similar narrative structure was used for 'Pulp Fiction' for no reason at all, unlike 'Reservoir Dogs' -which mimicked Kubrick's 'The Killing', that was heavily inspired by 'Rashomon' anyway- and everyone seems happy making rating stars rain over it -not me, definitely, but I digress.
SPOILERS everywhere:
"cult like church trying to save one of their own because they think life is precious, they do this by killing 6 people" <-this, sorry to say, is completely made up except for the last bit about killing six people. These guys intended to save one their own only because she's one of their own, not because of the reasons you decided to fabricate in order to -unnecesarily- legitimize somehow your disdain for the film.
And yes, they end up killing six people, but it obvious to any unbiased observer that it was the typical 'situation gone wrong' kind of scenario. The first killings were accidental, then the rest are just the consequence of the whole plan going down the drain, as so often happens with thrillers. Otherwise, most of them wouldn't last more than half an hour and they all would be boring as Hell.