Blacks commit more violent crime than any other race in America
Even if you exclude every black and latino person from the number of people incarcerated in the USA at the moment your nation still has three to six times more criminals jailed than the TOTAL of nations like France, Germany, Italy or Sweden; all per capita of course. The all white United States of America has more criminals than Mexico, many African nations, all of the EU and even China...
I don't think you guys should at all point with fingers at people in an international forum.
Thats cause we lock up our criminals so what? Our high crime is a result of our largly due to our diverse population that has diverse values from each other. We don't want to become homogenized like the nations you have listed even if that means we have to work harder to drive down our crime.
sharePractically every nation on earth has crime, even the homogenized ones. Crime has nothing to do with how diverse a population is---what a stupid, ignorant thing to say. The bigger the nation, the bigger the population, the more crime there is. That's how that works.
shareHe's at least right that diversity leads to kinds of social disharmony that don't exist in more homogenized nations. It makes sense, too. Throw a bunch of people together who are very different from each other and who disagree on serious issues, and strife and interpersonal conflict are bound to result.
share> Crime has nothing to do with how diverse a population is---what a stupid, ignorant thing to say.
Ignoring statistics shows your ignorance / studpidity.
In no way was I advocating a non diverse population. On the contrary I advocate a mixed poipulation with low violent crime but Im not ignorant to the challenges that presents. Its people like you that are the problem with social issues. Rather then trying to fix cultural differences and bring communities together you prefer to live in a world of makebelief where cultural diversity has no problems and every one thinks the same. The assumption that every one is the same only adds to the problem rather then solves it.
Which is irrelevant to the OP on different crime rates.
shareYou also lost credability when you threw in mexico and implied there is more crime in the US then mexico due to the USes higher incarceration rate. Thats like saying Syeria is less violent then the United states cause theirs less people per capita in prison.
shareTo the OP:
That's not a "fact", that's just some racist BS you racists love to post with no evidence to back it up. And it's interesting how you love to ignore the fact that white people actually commit more crime because they're the majority in the U.S. You racists love hating on anybody who isn't white because you're a bunch of stupid, ignorant-as-hell, insecure losers.