What's up with all the hype it gets?
I watched this movie because someone on 9gag posted this with the title "one of the best zombie movies" or something. I was really curious what's all the fus about.
I enjoyed it right from the start as some of the asian actors were really over the top (I mean most portion of the asian movie culture somehow relies on over-the-top acting, I don't know why though), and I found them funny, for example the truck driver at the beginning.
So it was enjoyable, and the whole zombie-transformation was really kinetic, and exciting. The World War Z like zombie pile wave however wasn't, though. I couldn't find it scary or frightening, it's more of an "exciting" movie really. It was like watching some anime, because many moments were like grotesque and fantasy-like.
The characters... now, they were typical... honestly. There was a fat, strong guy representing somekind of a "tank" archtype character from the history of RPG. There was the industrial, urban father with his daughter, havin' somekind of a connection distance between them. A**hole alpha-male asian guys, also typical, like taken from any anime movies. Baseball team ... like from the 80's honestly. And the governor-type of guy being a selfish pig, and we can go on and on...
Now, the dramah... Jesus Christ, the drama. The overuse of dramatism is also a type of thing which is usual in the eastern entertainment (different culture, really), and for the typical ending, where the father got bitten has to sacrifice himself... damn, one of the most OVER-THE-TOP scene I ever witnessed in any movie EVER. And let's not talk about the "BOSS-FIGHT"... like it was written by a little child thinking "and the governor-type of guy get's an extra power, because... damn, I don't know, because why not, but he must be a special zombie dude"... following a really awkward duel between him and the father...
The enjoyment from the beginning just dropped down gradually as the movie ended, because there wasn't really new, or ... how should I say, anything special about the story, the happenings, it was... again, typical zombie story, with awkward decisions and momentums.
So, even though it was kinda messy what I was writing above, you might get the idea what I'm trying to say here. There are more interesting zombie movies out there like Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, REC ... hell, even Resident Evil (1)... or if you want something less serious there is Shaun of the Dead, or Zombieland.
And I'm not saying it is a bad movie, because it has some interesting solutions: just like I said, the kinetic zombie-transformation and walking was exciting and well made, but honestly... 97% fresh on RT? 7.6 on imdb? This movie has many flaws, and overall cheesy as hell... come on people ... generic at it's best.