Utter bollocks

Missed it's mark by miles.
The Royals took the Micky without resorting to the kind of jokes that even 5 year olds would groan at.

But above all the rest of the Ill judged unfunny tripe. Making fun of an Air Ambulance running out of fuel over a city centre. Great research there boys.

Maybe the writers and whoever commissioned this *beep* would like to introduce themselves to the families of the people who died when the police helicopter crashed through the roof of the pub.


Were you actually watching the episode?! The helicopter had to land because the pilot contracted Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Literally couldn't have any less similarities to a police helicopter crashing into a pub... Apart from the fact that both involve helicopters.


Yes I was. But without re watching that episode I can't comment on your point.
However I can tell you I do get joke and that the recent Christmas special was sublime.
I look forward to the start of the new series.


I thought it was only 97.5% bollocks. The other 2.5% was caca.


Love it.


Nah, it's hilarious.
