Issac has evolved!
Amazingly Issac becomes the first robot to develop real emotions when he saves and protects Dr. Finn's child Ty. This is a huge development, because it is a monumental advance in artificial intelligence. These emotions are "illogical" and shouldn't exist in machines, but it seems to have happened with Issac.
Robots can be programmed to feign emotions, but they really can not really feel them. So if Issac now has genuine affection for the child, and then actually sacrifices himself to save him, it means that Issac has evolved to being a lot more than "intelligent." He is now virtually human!
I suppose the next step will come when robots can mate with biologicals, and produce offspring that shares traits of both types of beings. It literally boggles the mind.
OK, I know this is fiction, but it really is pushing the envelope now. And this says a lot about how great The Oriville writers are, and why this show is so fascinating.