MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > OH my freaking GOSH! WHY did I try to ...

OH my freaking GOSH! WHY did I try to watch it?

3 minus into ep 3 (Which I swore I would not watch, but thought... "surely....") ssssnope.

3 minutes in and I'm done completely. REALLY??? A trans / sex / what am I / gender means nothing type of "SHOW"?? If I wanted this crap I would actually watch the CURRENT NEWS.

What the F has happened to "Escapism" entertainment?? It's all fake marriages, people fighting over nothing and crying, and now a SPACE ADVENTURE with the same dam drama - just in space?

OOOH So relevant. Great. Like the NEWS which I avoid like the negative plague it is.
I hope this isn't renewed.

If it is, the society is swimming to rock bottom. Enjoy it there. I won't be there with you.


I know right. Next thing you know the other 99.9% of broadcast shows will try to do something other than recycle scripts from 80s sitcoms. Then where will we be? You might have to blow the dust off the old cranium.


Would LOVE to use the brain!! But.... the most flies hang out at $#!t piles, so that's who gets advertising dollars: where the lowest common denominator sits.

Oh well. Back to never watching any TV again. At least there is black mirror reruns on netflix :D


Well... Did you finish the episode?


Absolutely not. Switched off about a couple minutes in like I said above. Why would I watch this now socially current soap opera? I'm not going to LEARN anything from it. It LOOKS more like daily "News" - which I never watch anymore because it is mostly irrelevant gossip. So, watching an ENTERTAINING (sarc) show that feels like news is not my idea of fun.

I get it though. Today's dumbed down generation of drama queen warriers who keep REALITY TV alive and fake shows about marriage, need a star trek style soap opera. So here it is I guess. Just hoping it would be more sci-fi, less "WHAAAA! WHAAAAA! SOCIAL JUSTICE MUST BE DELIVERED AT THE TIET OF TELEVISION!!!" :D


They're all space operas: Orville, Star Trek, all of them. Matter of fact, Star Wars is the biggest space opera of them all. The problems of just one family.


You should have finished it-


There's no longer anything here that interests me. I THOUGHT I was dialing up a hilarious send up of Star Trek. Turns out it is not really funny much at all: very few weak jokes that could be in ANY show, laced with whatever the current hot button is: lesbianism, transexuals, abortion, guns, whatever, ... who is going to care about these plots in 5 years? No one. This is current, typical TV filler to make them advertising bank, and waste your time. The masses are now programmed to accept it, as there is nothing else on. Remember: I'm out of the TV loop and able to view things WAY MORE objectively than most anyone. If you are NOT outside that loop, there is now way to see it clearly. This is why I quit watching TV "PROGRAMMING" 2 decades ago, and why I will continue to use my big screen only for movies and gaming.


Wow. Such woke. Much red pill.


Star Trek had social commentary about what was happening in society during its run. This show is doing the same since it's basically an homage to Star Trek.


I agree! How dare a show try to be thought provoking?!?


The trouble is that the writers are doing it without subtlety. 3 and 4 came across (at least to me) as "A very special episode" kind of writing. Like you used to see in the 80's. We're already well aware of trans issues and religious issues. They came across as over-simplifications of massive discussions.

I expected the show to be a bit bumpy at the start but I don't think it's found it's footing. I'll keep giving it a chance. Plenty of good television had unwatchable first seasons.


Exactly. When the show sounds more like an "After school special", it ceases being about what it is about. Is it REALLY about outerspace actions, or is it about YET ANOTHER FREAKING SOCIAL JUSTICE PLATFORM? Because.... you know.... WE ALL NEED more of those!


Star Trek, at its core, has always been out using science fiction to tackle modern social issues. It isn't for everyone though. Take care!


Yup and The Orville is "Star Trek with normal humans", thus using SF to tackle modern social issues will be a staple of the show.


I think it'd have been a bit hasty to abandon the episode just because you know the content matter. The ending was truly a surprise to me, actually, after giving it a chance, after trying to not grind my teeth too hard in the beginning.

Still, it came off as a bit of "women are just as good and actually better and stronger than men, and womanhood should be celebrated, and only these primitive men try to always hold women back"-kind of a silly fema-fascist trope.

I mean, the whole thing went so off-the-rails, especially in the 'courtroom', where the culture of the male-only society representatives try to prove that men are better, and then the raccoon-eye-makeup "thousand-cĂłck-stare" hag tries to prove that women are better.

These things are only looked at from purely bodily perspective, and of course the misanrdistic, typical, groan-inducing, politically-correct, woman-worshipping message of 'it was a WOMAN that did that signifigant thing, what do you stupid men think of THAT?!" was installed somewhere in there.

Nowhere in the show women are shown to have actual weaknesses, or men have actual strengths. When a man makes a good point, the woman has the court dismiss it as 'speculative', based on the absence of a male from the 'superwoman''s planet in the courtroom at that moment. Come on, something can be true even if a representative of that truth is absent from the situation at the moment of discussing it.

Nowhere in the show is it aknowledged that the soul is of most importance, and a soul (as it is pure energy) has no gender. Therefore, regardless of the physical body, HUMAN is what matters, and gender is purely a bodily, physical thing.

Also, a woman's sexual-social power was NOT aknowledged. The women might've been teased and bullied in a male-only society, BUT! Because of hormones, and other biological things, all the men would've lusted for the woman, basically treating her like SJWs treat women in this world.


How much sexual-social power women have in this world? A woman in any video game gets immediate and plentiful special treatment - that's why they ALWAYS mention their gender, to exploit it and with it, the horny, thirsty and hungry male simp players that these games are so full of.

That's women always break into 'male-only' spaces, no matter how nerdy, because even ugly women are like one-eyed men in the society of blind people. They are immediate queens with vast sexual and social power.

The more men, and the fewer women, the more power the women have. Being the ONLY woman on a planet with only men, would make her an absolute ruler! Men would fight over her, protect her, buy her flowers, give her free food, drinks, apartments, cars, etc. etc. (just like they do in today's Earth).

The other thing I wonder about that episode, is that if they reproduce by men having gay sex and laying eggs, what do they need women for anyway? And how can they perform a 'sex-change' anyway (it can never be done by messing with biology, because the brain will grow to be a female or male brain anyway, bone structure will be different, chakra system will have the opposite flow, psychological differences can't be changed by messing with the physical body, etc. etc.).

It's some kind of twisted, warped, perverted SJW utopia that they can change gender after birth by just some simple operation. This is not possible in real life, but if it is possible in a fictional story, it should be explained HOW and WHY it is possible. And why don't they manipulate the egg or the sperm or whatnot, to ONLY produce males, since females are not needed for reproduction.

What does gender matter, if reproduction can be done with two of the same genders anyway? So why not just genetically manipulate the gender away completely, so they won't have this problem?

The only good point they made was to mention how circumcision is the same, you do horrible acts to an infant without their consent or anesthesia.


Someone was recently banned from Twitch for mentioning how, biologically, there are only two genders.

This is pretty crazy. There's no freedom of speech, if you can't use freedom of speech anywhere in the internet.

But it also got me thinking, what do some people think gender is? I think all this 'there are more than two genders' thought error comes from lack of understanding, lack of information and lack of information of what makes a human being, what makes a gender, and so on.

BTW, I realize it seems like a contradiction, when I say that gender is purely physical, and that you can't change gender by just manipulating the physical side (in fact, you can't change it at all without completely disintegrating the body and the energy systems and reintegrating them), but I was simplifying the truth, because for all intents and purposes considering my point, that was the easiest way.

Of course gender goes a bit deeper than physical body, but not all the way to soul, and even the astral body's gender is temporary and changeable. The etheric body and physical body are in deep co-operation (for the lack of a better word) with the astral body, so even the astral body 'becomes' the gender in question for a specific duration that sort of 'binds it' to that gender.

The chakras circle to a certain direction for male energy, and another direction for female energy.

But deep down, gender means yin and yang. The female energy is contracting, that's why planets are called 'mothers' (Mother Earth, Gaia, etc.).

Space, however, is freely-flowing male energy, yang, and that's why the Creator is called 'Father'.

There's no 'third' energy, called 'Yong' or 'Pong'. There's just Yin and Yang, and this is as black and white as can be. Therefore, there are, cosmically, biologically, etherically, astrally, factually, energetically and spiritually thinking, only two genders.

We could call 'hermaphrodites' a 'third' gender, but in fact, it's just an 'unusual mixture'..


..of two genders, not really its OWN, different gender.

There is, and can be, nothing inbetween 'lock' and 'key', 'expanding' and 'contracting'.

What would be 'inbetween' expansion and contraction? No, something is either expanding, or it is contracting. It's either active, or passive.

The time is always going either towards midnight, or towards midday. There's no inbetween.

Everything, everywhere, is in constant co-operation this way - yin and yang are everywhere. Even in the atomic level, there are different spins, different directions, different charges - either plus, or minus. There's nothing inbetween plus and minus.

(I won't use 'light and darkness', as they're not equal, light always overpowers any darkness, as darkness is nothing by itself, it's just 'low amount of light', same goes for 'warm and cold' - there is no 'cold', just 'low amount of warmth' - but the basics of Yin/Yang can be still seen in light and shadow, and night and day - also, you can be inbetween day and night (sort of)).


I don't know how all these 'lesbians', 'gays' and so-called 'transgender' people got mixed into what 'gender' is anyway.

Sexual preference is not a gender.

Mutilated physical body is not a gender. You still have a male or female brain, male or female chakra system, male or female bone structure, muscle density, etheric body and astral body system, height, balance point, and all the other gender differences that you can't just 'operate away', no matter how skilled a surgeon you are.

People are just so very confused as to what constitutes a gender. But at the very basics, it's expansive vs. contractive energy. Male body will be male body, no matter how much knife and hormones you shove into it. Female body will be female body also.

Everything done to the physical body is just a pathetic mask, a delusion, illusion, and fights against the natural function of the body. If you try to change a penis into a vagina by surgery, you may succeed superficially, but the body will still treat it as a wound and try to 'heal' it. You still can't give birth. You still can't produce menstruation or have any 'mother's instinct'.

There are qualities of body that can't be changed by manipulating the physical body. Ever heard of the triple-warmer? Every organ has an etheric counterpart, but triple-warmer is an organ that has no physical side whatsoever.

So to REALLY change a gender to another after the fact, you would have to redesign the whole system from the energy side up and work from there until you have redesigned, reconstructed, re-initialized the energy side, the etheric body, the energy organs, before you can even start on the physical side, where you'd have to redesign the bone structure (women's hips are very different from men's hips, just for an example), you'd have to completely re-design and re-wire the brain, recreate the muscles from scratch to have a different density and shape,..

..basically, it'd be easier to just wait until you incarnate again.


One thing I don't get about all these 'sex change operation' enthusiasts, is that.. well, now that we have established that it's a total delusion to think you CAN change your sex in any true and real way (you can only change appearance and mutilate your body, and that's all)..

..why can't they take a different approach?

Instead of facing what IS, and dealing with that, and learn to overcome their PSYCHOLOGICAL discomfort by being one with it, and letting it happen, and making the best out of a difficult situation, and ACCEPT that they have now been incarnated to the opposite gender's body than they have used to..

..they try to just RUN AWAY from their problems by becoming what they know (although it's not possible).

It's like if someone moves away to a different city - instead of trying to adapt to it and finding what works and just dealing with it, they run back to their home city and refuse to even try.

This is not very adult behaviour. Life deals us cards, we better rather play those cards to the best of our ability, than try to cheat by trying to get some better cards (which we can't get anyway).

Why don't they take it as a challenge? Sure, it's psychologically difficult, maybe scary, maybe emotionally stressful, but what a nice victory it will be if they just endure it ANYWAY and just try their best to use their new body in a new way and learn to cope with it!

I guess it's traumatizing to have all that social and sexual power, all that male attention and being treated like a princess-queen, then suddenly incarnate to a male body and be kicked in the nuts by the whole world and no one caring.

But they can't get that princess-status back by mutilating their genitals. For some reason, these people don't seem to understand this. They'd be much happier, if they did.


There are people, that bravely try their best in a male body, although they're used to living in a female body (with all the perks and power that automatically come with it, of course - even the power to deny this power).

Women's power is the facade of weakness - men's weakness is the facade of power, as someone said.

I consider such attitude more brave than attempting to change your life by mutilating your physical body.

There are two genders, and humans are of neither gender, but usually incarnated (temporarily) into a body of either male or female gender.

Anything else is just a delusional mess created by ignorance, confusion and lack of information and understanding as to what a human is, and what yin/yang really represents.

Maybe it would be better if also this planet's people would reproduce by some other methods, so no one would have any gender, and genitals would be only for urinating, as there would be no need for sex.

Then there would be no lesbians, no gays, no men, no women. Just humans, and love.


I don't expect the show to be SJW free. I mean, it's everywhere. It is in tolerable levels on this show for me. Seth is an unapologetic liberal but happens to be on friendly terms with many arch-conservatives like Rush. So he isn't a seething, hate machine. That makes a difference. I don't fault anyone for their beliefs. Only their behavior.
It has a bit of self awareness that balances it out. For instance, the all male planet was loaded with wall-to-wall factories and polluted to the hilt. Funny. OP should have watched the whole thing. I'm now OK with the characters in question. The barbs of the parody are not all in one direction.


You heard this here first: McFarlane is indeed a liberal, but unlike most, he's provoked by deep thought. I think truth haunts him. I suspect at some point when he's no longer worried about his career and feels free to speak his mind, he'll out himself as a moderate and may actually swing right.

