I do not see many complaints about WW being unrealistic because she is a woman. I see a lot of complaints about WW that are then not looked at objectively and only looked at as some sort of complaint that she is a woman.
I personally like the film and will purchase it on Tuesday but hope that in time, much sooner than later, the idea that a Woman can direct or be the focal point of an movie will not be celebrated EVERY time it happens. It has happened enough so that is should be an acceptable thing BY BOTH SIDES!!.
As far as women, in general, being the focus of an action film. Without a background such as WW being a supernatural being a 120 pound woman beating up fully trained 220 pound men is rather difficult latch on to but I just watch and enjoy action films.
I would like to say, however, would ANYONE have believed Rick Moranis in an action film? The answer is no. A man has to look the part whereas a woman just has to "have the right background in martial arts"