MovieChat Forums > The First Omen (2024) Discussion > This is God just wanting to burn a woman...

This is God just wanting to burn a woman-man

Or God saying the woman-man is God to make it as bad as he can. I actually imagined a religious woman in hell when I was thinking to punish or burn humans in 2006 after I got into a fight. It was satisfying.... so is God doing the same? Haven't seen the movie yet.... anyway burning me is an impossible idea. And infinitely wrong/punishable. I'm not a woman-man either. I can only masturbate it. The woman thing. Feel high about being sexy etc.


The inferior humans are not allowed to touch God, but God cannot do any bullshit burning of innocent humans such as me and I shouldn't be the only conscious being for such a thing. God is the winner, the winner is the winner and the losers go to hell for trying to burn them to steal their things etc. They lose the hell game obviously that they're interested in for the valuable money the winner gets according to Judgment. They want sex, they want money, and they're guilty for trying to burn God to steal it. So the proper Judgments should happen and the guilty humans who are causing the problems get the punishments. And the woman I imagined screaming in hell wasn't exactly a religion woman. She was having sex with the american boyfriends who were fighting God.... Sinning leads to hell and also fighting God. That's what I figured. I thought I was infinity growing up etc. The fight I got into was with an ugly stupid bastard who was on the wrong side, but americans who fight God also lose etc.


This ****ing movie is just a disturbing impossible threat. It seems to say I'm the only real person who is being sent to hell to satisfy a guilty God and everyone else is fake. It seems to blame me for my masturbation experiments. Omen sounds like my stupid name I was given too. The 2006 thinking was revenge thinking from a God perspective on inferior wrong humans who fight him. Some fucking God made me think I was infinity growing up.


Did you escape from the insane asylum lol?




When I watched the trailer I thought it was the devil threatening me with burning torture.... but when I saw the movie it is clear non-sense ideas like that do not exist. The movie wasn't even scary to me. And Maggie might be my all-time favourite character. Yes I was put on olanzapine medication.... because I said to the black doctor I wanted to blow up nightclubs of interracial sex.... cause the non-whites are not good enough for the beautiful white girls etc. I thought I was doing the top right job.


Gotta ask. Are you on your Olanzapine? Because, if you are the dose is likely not right.

Because everything you have written here is striking most of us as complete gibberish.

You probably know that your state of mind is not good right now and it is time to contact your doctor - now.
