Bobby: this guy is dangerous
Bobby is a blow up away from some real harm to someone. This last episode really hit home for me. Bobby, spewing vitriol at Julia with so much anger and entitlement about her flirting with him all season. Well, what did he think he was entitled to if that were true? Did he believe he was entitled to a romp in the bunks cause she flirted with him? Is he really this irate because she didn't hook up with him? Not disappointed, sad, brokenhearted...but angry. Livid, yellinag that she wasn't entitled to an opinion because she flirted with him and what? Never put out? She told him over and over, that yes, she was flirty, it was her personality but she had a boyfriend. Bobby however feels entitled to more. This is the kind of guy who gets drunk, starts making out and gets angry and violent when a girl says, you know what, I really don't want to. This is the kind of guy who would ply a girl with booze to wear her down. I'm really surprised that Bravo would see this as entertainment. Being drunk is not an excuse either. If you're violent when you get drunk, then you have a bigger problem. I kind of hope they bring Julia's boyfriend to the reunion so he can answer Bobby calling him a pus*y.
Then there's the scene with Danny, who would try anyone's patience, but, he acts like he's 12. So why, if you're an adult, are you pushed to the point of physical violence against this brat? Again, we see him barely controlling his anger, and threatening to hit a co-worker. What kills me is the captain, just watching and not even stepping in. Why? because Bobby is a young white frat boy that means he must be okay, cause, aren't they all? I'm really disgusted by his behavior, and, Bryan is not much better. Danny was right to call them butt buddies, for so they are.