MovieChat Forums > Avatar 5 (2031) Discussion > "Stephen Lang Wept After Reading Avatar ...

"Stephen Lang Wept After Reading Avatar 5 Script"

Copied and pasted this headline because there is something surreal about it

I think at this point, if you follow movie news, it's clear that Cameron is actually going to deliver the giant franchise that he promised. Whether it'll be any good I have no idea. Personally, I can't imagine the sequels being less bland than the original, so I imagine that they will redeem it to some extent all these years later

The situation is still absurd and unprecedented in Hollywood history, though. This wasn't just some property that laid dormant for some years and was picked up in order to be milked for more money like Ghostbusters and Jumanji. Those movies are getting sequels on the basis of the current one's success

Avatar was a huge event, then its reputation soured somewhat over the years, and now it's coming back as, like, a Tolkien-esque epic. There are already have 4 finished scripts

Basically, we don't know what James Cameron's final legacy as a filmmaker will be because a large bulk of his filmography has been in development for almost 20 years. After Terminator, Aliens, T2, Titanic, and Avatar, he was already considered a massive figure in the industry

But with 4 new movies coming out over the next decade the narrative of his career might be very different than what it is now. If the sequels are mediocre then I think people will be disappointed that he became so obsessed with telling one gigantic mediocre story and say that he's washed. If they are excellent then I'd think he'd have to be regarded as a genius. If they're terrible then Avatar could become one of the most maligned franchises in film history and Cameron may go down as the biggest egomaniac in filmmaking history


Well, it's his career so it's his choice. Seems like a waste though I did like the first one.


I heard Kevin Smith wept too.


Stephen Lang (and I hope I'm wrong) will likely be dead by the time #5 comes around?

I didn't mind the first movie (tbh) and have it on Blu-Ray (despite never seeing it since the original cinema run) but didn't Lang's character die at the end (that's how memorable it was?)
I ask in all seriousness?


He did die. Apparently he will be resurrected through some sci-fi plot device

I wonder why Cameron chose to make Quaritch the "Sauron" of his Avatar franchise. No offense to Lang but the character was pretty bland from what I remember. Then again, Cameron has always had a taste for the bland. But if this guy is gonna be a big enough threat for 4 fucking movies then they better add much more layers to the character than they did in the first one


Look, Cyberbob, don't lump this piece of shit known as James Cameron's Avatar with the unmitigated classic fantasy known as Lord of the Rings, right? They will NEVER be compared favourably.


Titanic > Anything Tolkien ever did

Haha jk. I'm a big Tolkien fan too. I only meant it as a comparison about scale, but if you prefer I can compare these films to Harry Potter instead (although I hate HP and I hate even referencing it)

That would make Lang the Voldemort of these movies


Hahahaha! Wept, LOL! From Avatar!


Whats Avatar?


It was like uhhh a movie way back then. Highly influenced by Heath Ledger's Joker


For me it's safe to say that Cameron already peaked. His peak was The Terminator to Terminator 2. Will Avatar damage his legacy? I'm not sure. I don't think he's ever going to reach his previous heights with any of these sequels but that is to be expected given the trajectory he's been on since Terminator 2. There's been nothing bad in that time, in fact they're decent movies, they're just not of the standard of the movies at his peak.

I imagine the planned films to do about as well as The Hobbit films, both commercially and critically, and with that I think Cameron will be seen as just a slightly more egocentric Peter Jackson, who did some classic films a while back and is now well past his best.


Do they FINALLY kill him off? Especially since he died in the first movie?


Of course he wept....he was so happy that he's set for the rest of his life. $Cha-ching$
